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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Holiday Photo Challenge

Patrons enjoy a Hafner magnum of CabernetFrom all across our country came photos of our patrons with their families and friends celebrating the Holiday Season. Their pictures brought the warmth and spirit of those special gatherings to all us of at the winery in Alexander Valley. We are greatly honored that the wine we make here was chosen for your Holiday celebrations.


Our New Look

Welcome to our new website! It was brought to life by feedback from patrons and implemented by Scott and Kate, with photographic expertise from Sandy. In fact, everyone at HV helped in one way or another. The goal was to allow patrons to see more of what’s happening here by increasing the size and frequency of photos, reducing what viewers have to read, simplifying the order process and creating a way to share stories with patrons and friends on a weekly basis. We hope that you enjoy the changes and welcome any thoughts you have.

