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Hafner Vineyard

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Favorite Cookbooks

CookbooksMy grandmother, Mary Hafner, was the chef in the family. She and her sister taught French cooking classes from their kitchens in Berkeley (which is even how some of our patrons first learned about Hafner wine). She taught her children how to cook as well, so my sister and I benefited (and still benefit!) from Dad and Uncle Scott’s cooking. At home, when we prepare a meal, we are often thinking about which wine will pair with the meal. Here we share a few favorite cookbooks for meals that pair well with wine.


How to Store Open Wine

Storing WineOne question I always seem to get when giving a tour is: how do you store an open bottle of wine? For Parke and me, the answer is quite simple. We put the cork back in the bottle and leave it on the counter to save it for the next dinner. Typically, an open bottle of wine will last a couple days on the counter, even longer in the fridge for white wines and Rosé.


Holiday Photo Competition

ThanksgivingEveryone loves a fun competition, no one more than gregarious and photogenic Hafner patrons. We’ve launched our 2023 Hafner Vineyard Holiday Photo Contest and hope you’ll join. The goal is to capture the joy of your Holiday Season. It is always fun to see photos of Hafner patrons enjoying their wine throughout the Holiday Season. Here are a few details. 


Holiday Entertaining Tips

Holiday Wine TablesAs the Holidays approach, many of us find ourselves thinking how to make gatherings with family and friends even more festive and fun. Looking for that “little something extra” that makes an evening even more special. I suspect that many of you, like me, look to others for inspiration and advice. I reached out to a very creative group of friends and patrons who always host memorable and enchanting parties. I thought you might enjoy hearing the ten top ideas that my “experts” shared.


A View from Above

Hafner VineyardA few years ago, Uncle Scott encouraged me to become a “drone pilot”, so we could have some unique photos from above. This certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone, but the end result is always fun and dramatic. In my most recent flight, I took a number of photos, but one stood out to us. We work closely as a team between vineyard, cellar and sales. Everyone has a unique perspective given their role and experience, so we wanted to see what various team members thought of this photo and what they see. 

