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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Meet the Team - Chema

Chema"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Even after 22 years, Chema still enjoys the jobs that are fast paced. He's the guy the team turns to when they need to set trellis wires because he walks very briskly with a skip in his step. Might be from all the dancing he likes to do! Something people might not know...his son, Chemia ("Little Chema") also works at Hafner Vineyard with him. 


Meet the Team - José Luis

Jose Luis"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. José Luis is celebrating his 25th year with Hafner Vineyard! He enjoys being part of the HV Team because his family has roots here. All four of his brothers and three of his cousins have worked here. In his spare time, José Luis is either tending to his numerous fruit trees or out at the local lakes fishing with his family. He's even teaching his grandson to fish!


Meet the Team - Benito

Benito"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Most of the vineyard crew have a connection to a small town in Mexico. Benito, on the other hand, grew up in a different area, but he fits right in! His favorite part of being part of the team...learning from the guys who have been in this vineyard for decades. And he says, they all have so much fun laughing together that time goes by quickly. Benito also has an unlikely friend. Read more to learn who it is!


Meet the Team - Martin

Martin Aleman"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Martín Aleman is going on 26 years at Hafner. He enjoys camping with his family and his favorite job in the vineyard is pruning. While he goes by "Martín", that's not his given name. Find out his real name and why it changed!


Meet the Team - Gerardo

Gerardo Lopez"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We each answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Up next, Gerardo Lopez! He works in the vineyard and has been at Hafner Vineyard for 33 years. When he's not working, he can be found on the fútbol field...playing with guys almost half his age!

