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Hafner Vineyard

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Special Bottles

Special wines are shared for special occasions. This Holiday Season, we (like you!) will open bottles for birthdays, holidays, neighborhood parties and quiet nights at home. Wine is meant to be enjoyed, not hidden away in a cellar. So we encourage you to open those bottles that you’ve been holding on to and share them. 

And…we’d love it if you share your experience with us! Send us photos of the special bottles (perhaps with you and friends) that you enjoy in the coming weeks. Email them to us or post them on social media and tag us with @hafnervineyard. If that special bottle is Hafner, please use #shareHafner.

We too will post some of our favorite wines on Facebook and Instagram.

The photos you share will enter you into a drawing that will yield drinkable rewards. On January 25th, we’ll draw the winners and share their photos on our blog and our social media pages. As you can see, we've already received some great photos since Thanksgiving! Stay tuned and happy sipping!

Hafner Patron Photo French Wines(Our French friend has held on to a 2005 Hafner [along with other French wines] for many years. He plans to open them for a Holiday gathering with family.)

Hafner Patron Photo Friends(Friends and family back East enjoy a 2008, 1998 and 1988 Hafner Cabernet for Thanksgiving.)

Friendsgiving with Hafner(Friends in the Bay Area toasted to their "Friendsgiving" feast with a 1999 Hafner Cabernet Magnum.)

Hafner Patron Photo Reserve Chardonnay(Reserve Chardonnay was poured for a candlelit Thanksgiving dinner.)Hafner Patron Photo Cabernet Dinner

(A quiet evening sipping 2009 Cabernet paired with filet mignon.)
